Muay Thai was one of the greatest gifts my father could have given me

“Giving your son/daughter a skill is better than giving him/her one thousand pieces of gold”-unknown Muay Thai was one of the greatest gifts my father could have given me. I was only 8 years old when I first stepped into a boxing ring and it’s interesting to think about all the ways it’s shaped who I am today. I don’t know how many times I would have said “I can’t do it” or “It’s too hard” and every time his response would be the same “There is no such thing as can’t.” I still hear these words every single time I think something is out of reach. I actually find myself saying that to my clients. He would make me stay there and keep trying until I succeeded. He would push me because he knew I was able to do it. He would challenge me to always do the best I could because we’re always capable of doing more than we think we can. Muay Thai was gifted to me for self defence but it also taught me confidence, discipline, strength, hard work, commitment, mindset and the eye of the tiger attitude. I love this sport and what it’s given me. If you’ve ever considered learning, do it. Now is the time. I promise you, you’ll gain so much more than self defence.