The battle between the courage to leap and resistance to stay safe...
I have been in a constant battle with myself, it’s as if my courage to leap and resistance to stay safe are battling one another. I’ve recently made some really huge life decisions and they are scary, some of which are putting me in incredibly vulnerable positions. I have experienced anxiety to a different extreme, overwhelm to the point of tears and tiredness to the point of getting the flu. Some may hear this and think “stop putting so much pressure on yourself” and yes you may be ‘right’ but the way I am looking at this is “if not now then when and if not me when who”. I heard that saying a few years ago and it’s always stuck with me. I’ve questioned “have I bitten off more than I can chew” on more than one occasion but then I remember to centre, refocus and allow myself to truly be. When I’m coming from a place of stillness and not allowing the negative self talk to talk control, I feel excited, free, inspired, creative, empowered and most of all I feel aligned. We as humans will always try to keep ourselves safe. Our comfort zone is our familiar, it’s our routine, we know what to expect and we can see our surroundings. The uncomfortable zone is the space that we might step into from time to time, it’s the things that we know we’re fearful of, it’s the temporary discomfort. Then we have the unknown which is life on the other side of discomfort. I have been standing on the edge for months, might even be years now, and I am still constantly in this battle of leaping or retreating but I keep reminding myself ”nothing good comes from staying in my comfort zone.” Now that’s not to say things aren’t going to be hard, that it’s always going to work out or that success will happen on the first attempt but I know that every decision I have made up until this point has been the right decision because it’s taught me something. So moral of the story is to first tell you to watch this space because I’m not retreating, I’m finally taking the leap and stepping into some huge changes but second is to try new things, follow your dreams and always believe in yourself.