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Always appreciate your health and mobility

Our bodies are a gift, they are our vessel in life and we should respect, appreciate and fuel them every single day. This is something I live by but this message has hit me in the face these past few weeks. The impact that exercise and movement has on our mood. I was sick for almost a week (just with the flu) and immediately following my recovery I rolled my ankle. Over the past few weeks I haven’t been able to run or do any high intensity / impact training and it’s been killing me (thank goodness for meditation). . In the past I’ve definitely been guilty of pushing my body beyond its means and often when I’m sick or injured I don’t allow for the proper rest time. This time I haven’t pushed myself, I’ve been resting, icing, elevating, using anti inflammatory gel and daily stretching AND it’s feeling so much better. Still not great but better. Exercise literally has the ability to change your mood. Chemicals such as endorphins, serotonin & dopamine are triggered during physical activity and these are the neurotransmitters that are referred to as your happy chemicals. Man did I notice the difference within myself. Today I went for a run & my ankle was fine (of course I iced and elevated afterwards) but now I’m feeling fantastic. I’m so grateful that it wasn’t a break or anything more serious but even for just a few weeks, not being able to do something that I’ve always been able to do and love, makes you love, respect, appreciate everything so much more! So my message is: Move your bodies today guys and be grateful that you can. Some people aren’t so lucky! Don’t wait until you’re unable and then wish you could.

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