Sitting in resistance
No matter how many degrees I have, what qualifications I hold, courses I do, programs I’m involved in, workshops I partake in, books I read, countries I travel’s never going to be enough. That’s what I have told myself since I was a little girl. There are only a handful of people I have shared this with in my life but I have held this limiting belief that I am never going to be smart enough. I’m always learning, always studying, always seeking more knowledge and whilst that’s probably never going to change because I love learning I need to change my thought patterns around that. After huge resistance over the past few months - I am finally launching my business in the upcoming weeks and information on my first workshop and a new program will be released this Sunday! This is an incredibly daunting but exciting time for me. A friend recently reminded me that there is never going to be a perfect time and nothing is ever going to be ‘perfect’ in general. It’s always better to just start, leap and trust.
“Doing something and getting it wrong is at least ten times more productive than doing nothing” - Unknown.