It’s easy to say “I wish things were different”
It’s easy to say “I wish things were different” but every action leads to a new action. You have no idea how the alternatives could have played out. Each decision is a gift so embrace the choice, and if the path you choose feels unaligned change it from the place you’re standing now. Don’t wish or look back on a past intersection... because your view from that space will be very different. We only know what we know now because of the view we currently have and the learnings we have faced along the paths we’ve already traveled. We all go down different paths, we all make mistakes, we all experience different hurdles - each to teach us to choose ‘better’ next time. Forget about the “what could haves” or “what should haves” and instead ask yourself “what do I choose now? What do I choose from the position I’m standing in right now?”