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If you want something...ask for it

If you want something ASK FOR IT. The answer is always a step, even if it’s not the answer you want.

If you want that promotion - ask. If you want to spend time with that girl/guy - ask. If you want that opportunity- ask. If you need support - ask. The answer might not always be yes or the one you want but if you don’t ask then the answer will continue to be no. AND if the answer is no you still get a yes for another opportunity. This forces you to stop wondering, worrying or seeking something that’s not meant for you.

Instead you get to look elsewhere, move on and change course. Plus, it’s probably a blessing, the yes you’re seeking might still be coming and who knows what that will look like.

There have been so many times in my life where I think I want something and then something even better comes along, something I didn’t even know I wanted. We don’t know what we don’t know so even if the answer is not the one you think you want it’s still an answer. So if you’re thinking about asking - stop thinking and just ask!

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