The importance of rituals
Ideal mornings. An ideal morning for me looks like today ...
Waking up to the natural light, sounds of nature and fresh air coming through my window
Lying in bed and appreciating it all. Taking a moment to reflect on everything I’m grateful for. Today my three gratitudes were: unlimited possibilities, my sight (being able to see the light coming through my window) and amazing friends
Morning run along the beach. Starting my day with movement, getting my heart rate up and my sweat on!
Chasing the sunrise. Climbing to the top of a cliff face watching the sun rise over the ocean
Meditation - sitting in silence on this cliffs edge, overlooking one of the most gorgeous place in the world and appreciating it all
Having my daily green smoothie because it’s filled with so many nutrients but it’s also just delicious
Eating breakfast on my balcony with one of my closest friends in the sun
What does your ideal morning look like? Set the tone for your day! Whatever that looks like for you and choose more mornings like this