Procrastination or action?
Procrastination or action? What is serving you? I had a conversation with my boss a few months ago and he was telling me a story about how he didn't take action on something, even though he had told himself he should. He asked for my opinion, and my immediate advise was for him to ask himself why he didn’t follow through. We all have those things we aren’t overly enthusiastic about doing, so my second piece of advise was to set himself a challenge. In my opinion a challenge always helps me remain committed and accountable. In my opinion, if we make a commitment to ourselves that’s the greatest commitment we can ever make to anyone. I’ll elaborated - whenever something comes to mind as an idea or when you think to yourself...“I should do that” instead of putting it off or saying “I’ll do that later” - do it then and there. No procrastinating. It could be something small like “I should put on sunblock” or something bigger like “I really want to ask that girl out”, whatever it is - DO IT IN THAT MOMENT.
This is something I try to do in my everyday life, so I honestly didn't think much of the conversation when it was taking place. I am human and I occasionally still find myself thinking “WTF Lisa, why didn't you just do that when you thought of it?!” No joke, I actually did the sunblock thing last weekend! But... A few weeks pass and he calls me into his office and says to me “You’ve ruined my life. Every time I think to myself “I’ll do it later”, I then think “dam it, dam Lisa!”
And even now, a few months later, he still regularly tells me this way of thinking has changed his life. I must admit he has uttered a few angry words, all with love of course, but he is finding himself so much more productive and efficient in everyday life. Obviously we can't do everything, and we need to be able to prioritise, but I’m referring to those things that you say “ohh i'll just do it later” and the things you procrastinate on for weeks. Set yourself a challenge and make a commitment to yourself for 7 days, see how things change.
Some little eye openers to think about:
Clean the car
Reply to those emails
Return those calls
Go for a run
Meal prep for the week
Book those flights
Put sunblock on
Go to the doctors (one I’m terrible at!)
Try it, see how it feels and see how things change.