Sometimes thing turn out even better...
When things aren’t going to plan trust that even though you can’t see it a greater plan is taking form. This is often hard for me to accept as I’m definitely a type A personality - always wanting to control everything. But I’m regularly reminding myself that ‘I don’t know what I don’t know’ so I may think things should look or go a certain way...when something unimaginable is actually already being drafted. Don’t allow chaos, change and the unexpected to rattle you or disappoint you. Instead...welcome it, smile and laugh at it. And most importantly TRUST. We’re only seeing it as chaos or a disruptor because we don’t know whats next, or it wasn’t the plan but think... it might be an even greater plan and it might lead you on a new path. This picture was taken day 1 of our long weekend camping trip, after having had to sleep in our car on the side of the road, being riddled with mosquitoes, having almost crashed our car, gotten lost more times than I can remember, having driven until 2am all to find no spots in our ‘planned’ campground. When this picture was taken we were still yet to find a spot for the weekend but instead of allowing the emotions or worry and panic we stopped and appreciated what was in front of us. Appreciated what was going ‘right’ and trusted that a greater plan would unfold. The weekend ended up being even better than I had imagined but I can’t say it would have been better than the spot we planned because I wasn’t there so - ‘I don’t know what I don’t know’. But remember there is always a bigger plan, one that’s far beyond our control.