Change your environment
Changing your environment creates space for possibilities. Changing your environment shifts your energy. Changing your environment opens the door for new opportunities. When we move ourselves we’re changing our position and gaining a different perspective. You could think literally or metaphorically here but either way energy shifts. If I’m feeling stagnant or uninspired I move my work space from my desk to a cafe, to the beach, to my balcony to somewhere new. If you’re wanting change you can’t keep doing the same thing over and over again. Repetitive patterns bring repetitive results. I invite you to think... If you go to the same cafe for your coffee each morning, try a new one tomorrow.
If you run the same running route everyday, run a different path tomorrow.
If date night is every Sunday change it to Tuesday this week.
If you read before bed every night, put down the book and turn on some music tonight.
If you’re normally at home on week nights, go out tonight, even if it’s just to your local book store (thats something I use to love doing in Canada. Going out to the local Chapters, getting a tea and reading a book in store at night - the best).
You can’t expect change if you’re not willing to change. You can’t expect different results if you keep playing the same pass. You can’t uncover the hidden messages if you don’t ruffle some feathers. Change your environment - it will open so many new opportunities for change.