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Disconnect to reconnect

Sometimes we need to disconnect from everything to reconnect with ourselves. Spending time alone, sitting in silence and removing technology from yourself for a few hours can truly revitalise your soul and connect you back with oneself.

I invite you to try this...

Plan a day where you give yourself permission to spend a few hours alone.

  • Take yourself out on a date in nature, get the fresh air and silence that your mind desires

  • Leave your phone and all technology devices at home

  • Do this alone so it’s just you and your own thoughts

  • Don’t be on the clock, allow yourself the time you need

  • Allow yourself to disconnect from the ‘to do list’ and all other stresses or concerns and be present with where you are.

Remember it’s just a few hours, all that other stuff can wait.

Take care of yourself. We all have busy lives but we can’t accomplish anything or be there for anyone if we aren’t taking care of number 1.

I’m still learning this lesson and it’s something I still find quite challenging but I invite you to join me in doing this as it’s created so many shifts for me recently.

Try it and see how you feel.

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