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We place the limitations on ourselves

When I first watched my girlfriend do this move I thought ‘wow that’s amazing, I wonder how long it will take me to be able to do that?’. I knew I could do it but I immediately presumed it would be something I had to strive towards. I was 100% willing to try but I didn’t think I’d be able to do it straight away. I thought I’d fall at least a few times but guess what happened... I did it first time and it was much easier than I anticipated. I choose to believe I’m stronger and more trusting than I thought. I must admit I had a fantastic base and acroyoga is heavily reliant on trust but regardless I was able to do it. It had me question, ‘where else am I doing this in my life?’

So many of us are often hesitant to try new things because we’re afraid of what others will think, afraid of looking silly or afraid of failing but how do we know if we don’t try.

I was taught from a very young age to never say that I can’t do something but to say ‘I currently struggle with’. If we begin changing our thoughts and changing our words we begin changing our reality and our perception of ourselves. Nothing is out of reach and nothing is impossible. I absolutely love Nelson Mandela’s words ‘it always seems impossible until it’s done’.

Where in your life are you allowing your limiting beliefs to stop you?

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