What are you grateful for today?
I’m grateful for so much right now but the three things I said to myself this morning were...
I’m grateful for the power of emotions
I’m grateful for my health
I’m grateful for all the obstacles I’ve experienced
EMOTIONS - are the experience of energy moving through our bodies. We hear something or see something and allow ourselves to feel a certain way - smiles appear on our face or tears travel down our cheeks. It’s important to listen and understand the lessons our emotions are teaching us but remember we have the power to create our reality so if we become aware of our thoughts, feelings and emotions we remain in control.
HEALTH - is on my list at least once a week. My body allows me to do and create everything I want in this world so respecting and being thankful for my body is a non negotiable for me. OBSTACLES - I’m incredibly grateful for all that I’ve gone through in life. Every hurdle, every loss, every tear, every lesson and every low period within my life has taught me so much about myself. During those times we are often so deep within our struggle that we don’t see the beauty. We only see the closed door and not the next one opening in front of us. These obstacles have created a stronger self and I’m unbelievably grateful for that and where I am right now because of this.
We all have so much to be grateful for everyday no matter what you’re going through.
Stop, reflect and appreciate.